Does Your Joint Need Replacement?

December 5, 2022by wahaj

As time goes by, joints disintegrate, giving way to crucial consequences that interfere with routine activities. Hence, lowering the quality of life a person enjoys. This sources depression, anger, and uneasiness as the patient’s mobility are affected. Therefore, a wise decision is to keep a check on musculoskeletal issues and consult an orthopedist to get a cure. If a concern is manageable through non-surgical treatments he will do so. However, for stubborn issues, surgery is the answer which may be a joint replacement surgery. The knee and hip replacement surgeon in Pakistan is an expert in conceiving such surgeries with great precision. So feel strong and rejuvenated after the joint replacement procedure as it revitalizes your joints refining mobility.

Natural structure

The meeting point of bones builds a joint that is further stabilized by soft tissues such as ligaments, muscles, tendons, and cartilage that ensure smooth movement. Two major types of joints found in the human body are:

  • Ball and socket joint

The shoulder and hip joint is a ball and socket joint where the ball-shaped end of the bone articulates within the cup-shaped socket of the shoulder blade or acetabulum in the case of a hip joint.

  • Hinge joint

Elbow and knee joints are good examples of hinge joints that let to stretch and bend the leg or arm.

What happens?

Joint replacement surgery is completed within a few hours and the patient is kept under observation to check for any complication that may arise. The impaired cartilage along with a bit of bone is detached and substituted by prosthetic components made of metal, ceramics, or plastic. This prosthetic or artificial joint imitates the function of the natural joint. To make it more understandable let’s take the example of the hip joint. Here the head of the femur is replaced with the metal ball having a long stem that is inserted into the center of the femur for stability. The socket in the pelvis is swapped with a plastic cup.

When it is needed?

Nobody desire to live in pain, especially with joint pain which is enervating and impacts the quality of life by limiting the range of natural mobility a joint deserves. Surgeons such as knee or the hip replacement surgeon in Pakistan recommend replacing the affected joint if:

  • Pain is unbearable
  • Stiffness is bothering the patient making it tough to stand from a chair, walk, climb, or perform routine activities.
  • It is distressing a patient’s mood such as triggering anxiety and depression.
  • The damage is untreatable through medications, physical therapy, and other non-surgical methods.

Discuss each minute detail with the doctor, he will explore health status and find a justified reason for replacement surgery. Patients may have to go through certain imaging and laboratory tests for precise examination. Once the surgery is unquestionable the surgeon will prepare his patient physically and mentally for the procedure. Especially when the injured patient visits a hip or knee injury doctor in Lahore he has to make an immediate decision after a quick inspection.

Joints that can be substituted

Commonly executed replacement surgeries include hip and knee joint replacement as they are weight-bearing joints and are more likely to damage with growing age. Damage to these joints deprives a person of walking and running making it painful to put weight over the hip or knee joint. However, with progressive technology replacement of almost any joint within the human body is imaginable. Here mentioned a few plausible replacement surgeries.

Knee joint replacement

The knee injury doctor in Lahore designates knee joint replacement surgery as an intricate procedure. It is surely a quite helpful method to relieve pain but needs great precision. The knee is a hinge joint comprising multiple components. An injury, disease, or deformity could induce pain. This may cure through non-surgical treatments like the use of medicines and therapies like RICE therapy and physical therapy. When such methods fail to manage pain and the knee ache is unbearable, replacement surgery is recommended after a thorough health inspection by an orthopedic surgeon.

After making an incision the surgeon removes the cartilage covering the ends of bones building the knee joint i.e. tibia and femur. These are then capped with artificial metal parts to cover the surface and pursue the function of cartilage. In cases where the kneecap has also been damaged the implant composed of polyethylene is inserted on the inner side of the kneecap after cutting the underlying surface.

Hip joint replacement

Hips bear the upper body weight and are more subject to wear and tear due to repetitive use, an injury, or a disease. It is a ball and socket joint where the ball is located over the top of the femoral bone which articulates within the socket of the acetabulum or hip bone. The hip replacement surgeon in Pakistan either performs partial or total hip replacement depending on the patient’s condition. In a total hip replacement, the femoral head and acetabulum are switched with prosthetic parts made of metal, ceramic, or plastic whereas in partial replacement only the femoral head is under consideration.

Elbow joint replacement

Elbow joint is composed of complex parts that are responsible for the forearm movement thus it’s a complicated surgery that needs indubitable accuracy. If elbow pain restricts motion and hinders activities then there may be a need for elbow replacement surgery. Adhered to the state of elbow replacement is either partial or total. Partial replacement works over the damaged part only while complete replacement demands the removal of cartilage at the ends of bones and the embedding of a prosthetic joint in place.

Shoulder joint replacement

Shoulder joint replacement is not as frequent as other replacements but the reason for switching to an artificial joint is the same i.e. unbearable and incurable pain. Contingent to the injury’s nature and position, either the ball over the humerus bone is replaced or the whole ball and socket joint is removed and replaced with a prosthetic one.

Ankle joint replacement

The tibia or a shinbone of the lower leg and the talus bone in the foot makes up the ankle joint. Ankle sprains can be crucial enough to cause irreversible damage which calls for surgical substitution of damaged joined with artificial parts.

Wrist joint replacement

Those suffering severe arthritis pain in the wrist that is hard to cure through other medical treatments are worthy of surgical replacement. The affected joint is removed carefully and the prosthetic parts are implanted to imitate the movement of a natural joint.

When is Partial or total replacement needed?

Joint replacement surgery is either partial or total joint replacement surgery

Partial replacement

Partial joint replacement is also referred to as unicompartmental replacement surgery mostly applicable to knee joints because it is divided into three compartments. The knee injury doctor in Lahore replaces only the affected part rather than replacing the whole joint in partial replacement surgery. With this substitution, natural bone is kept intact along with surrounding tissues and associated ligaments. It is less invasive and thus warrants fast recovery. However, less patient qualifies for partial replacement as most of the cases require total replacement due to extensive damage. Patients with minor joint fractures are worthy of having a partial replacement.

Total replacement

When the whole joint is diseased or injured, total joint replacement surgery is the best solution to manage pain that hinders routine activities. It implicates the removal of the affected joint and an artificial joint is implanted in its place. If we take an example of the ball and socket joint of the hip, the femur head is replaced with the metal ball having a long stem. It is inserted into the center of the bone for stability. A plastic cup is placed inside the socket after removing the deceased cartilage. Therefore, the whole joint is switched with prosthetic parts.

Method to pick

Popular methods adopted by surgeons such as a hip replacement surgeon in Pakistan for joint replacement procedures are as follow:


The immediate procedure performed to reduce pain and get time to prepare the patient’s body for replacement surgery is arthroscopy. It involves the removal of damaged tissues and free-floating bodies around the damaged joint through a small incision by inserting a pen-like tool with a light and camera at the top. It also helps to diagnose the exact condition of a joint from the inside. Live video gives a real-time assessment of the affected joint. Surgeons can view the damage’s extent and decide on the replacement procedure accordingly.

Joint resurfacing

Joint resurfacing comes under a partial replacement procedure where only the affected compartment in the case of the knee joint is replaced. For hip joint socket is replaced with a metal or plastic cup and the ball surface is restructured and topped with a metal cap. Less active, old patients with arthritic knee joints are eligible for knee resurfacing. Those less than 60 years of age and physically active like athletes are deserving candidates for hip resurfacing. Joint resurfacing relieves pain and helps regain lost mobility.

Minimally invasive

Modern technology has introduced advanced surgical techniques. Now joint replacement can be made through small incisions which heal faster ensuring quick recovery of patients. People less than 50 years of age are recommended for this surgery. Pain is less and patients don’t need to spend a lot of days in the hospital.

Joint revision surgery

Sometimes it happens the patient may develop an infection with the new joint or it is not stable causing uneasiness while moving. Also, those who get an artificial implant at a younger age may need revision surgery after 20 years or more as the prosthetic part lasts this long. So to treat or replace infected or worn-out prosthetic joint revision surgery is essential to perform. It helps to provide strength, relieve pain and enhance mobility.

It benefits you

Joint replacement surgery benefits in many ways.

  • It reduces pain and as minimally invasive surgery is commenced nowadays so the recovery time is faster.
  • Damaged joints are unable to extend and bend to their fullest. It restricts patients from performing certain essential routine activities. With the new joint implanted mobility restores and previously loved hobbies like swimming, hiking, biking, etc. can be enjoyed fearlessly.
  • Joint pain may also aggravate heart issues, diabetes, and depression in some patients. Incurable pain can be managed through replacement surgery which helps improve overall health.


According to a hip replacement surgeon in Pakistan, a certain level of complications is always probable in surgical procedures. For example the development of infection, blood clots, and tissue or nerve damage. These hitches are discussed with the patient before the procedure. So he or she can prepare themselves mentally and physically to face such issues if arise. As far as joint replacement surgery is concerned dislocation or joint loosening concerns can also arise. However, these complications are treatable with the cooperation of the patient. It is suggested to follow the instructions and guidelines of your orthopedist as he knows what is right for you. In this way, your prosthetic joint can last for years. You can enjoy a good quality of life with improved mobility and strength.

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