Tackling Sports Injuries with the Best Orthopedic Surgeons in Lahore

February 7, 2023by wahaj

Exercise is healthy activity but if executed in an inappropriate way, may source an injury. Any wrong move that may be accidental or due to your negligence while sports or workout can cause sports injuries. However, sports injuries are not confined to athletes only. An active person may also get a soft tissue injury, muscle strain, joint dislocation etc. that comes under the banner of sports injuries. Consulting a sports physiotherapy expert or an orthopedist could be of great significance. An orthopedist such as Dr MA Wajid is a proficient sports injury surgeon in Lahore. He could treat minor to major sports injuries including strain, sprain, muscle pull, dislocation, fractures, and tendon ruptures. Joint replacement surgery for issues that are incurable via non-surgical treatments is also provided.

What are acute and chronic sports injuries?

Source: https://m.facebook.com/AdvancedBackAndNeckPainCenter/photos/acute-pain-vs-chronic-painacute-pain-starts-as-response-to-a-sudden-injury-such-/10159745406506159/

Sports injuries fall into two major categories i.e. acute and chronic. A sudden injury that occurs due to a blow, hit, fall or joint twist is termed an acute injury such as joint dislocation, or sprain. On the other hand, chronic ones grow steadily with time such as stress fractures or shin splints. Mild sports injuries are curable at home with little care and therapies as suggested by orthopedists but chronic ones need immediate medical attention from a specialist. He diagnoses the root cause and provides the most suitable treatment to cure it right.

People susceptible to sports injuries

Any active person is susceptible to sports injuries under certain conditions. Let’s explore various factors that might be a reason:

  • People practicing inappropriate exercise methods.
  • Overtraining
  • Rapidly increasing the intensity of physical activity.
  • Keep playing single sports for a long time.
  • Run and jump on hard uneven surfaces.
  • Wearing uncomfortable shoes while sports.
  • Playing without wearing safety gadgets for example a knee injury doctor in Lahore suggests wearing knee pads while riding a bicycle to protect the knees.
  • Those who previously injured their joint
  • Poor flexibility
  • Hereditary issues
  • Consuming medicines such as for curing tendon tears or tendinitis.

Is knee replacement surgery appropriate for athletes?

Sports are a way of earning money for athletes, also they are active human beings who couldn’t bear a long resting period because of knee pain. A sudden cutoff from the hyperactive lifestyle depresses them arising other health issues. In such cases where curing pain is not possible without knee surgery, an orthopedic surgeon tackles the case via total knee replacement surgery. With the use of advanced methods, the knee injury doctor in Lahore can conceive surgeries with great accuracy showing appreciable results afterwards. Athletes can return to their old lifestyle soon after the recovery period but with few precautions to ensure the long life of the prosthetic joint.

When to refer a specialist?

Although mild sports injuries get better on their own with self-care at home. The patient should straightaway refer to an orthopedic doctor if he or she is bearing unending pain that interferes with daily tasks. Swelling dwell that doesn’t go away on its own or there is a cut and bleeding. The joint range of motion is limited due to pain or a deformity visible from the naked eye. All such conditions are alarming and may get worse if ignored.

Common injuries met while physical activity


Source: https://www.minnietang.com/physio/2017/2/3/common-sports-injuries

Some common sports injuries that a physically active person can bump into include:

Knee injuries

People who indulge in sports such as football, basketball, skiing etc. are more liable to knee injuries.

·         Knee joint fractures

A sudden fall or blow to the knee could crack or break the bone, especially the patella. Knee fractures sometimes call for knee surgery to recover.

·         Runner’s knee

Tenderness near or under the patella leads to a condition called a runner’s knee. Runners, hikers, or cyclists are more likely to get this issue.

·         Dislocation

A strong blow to the knee may displace the joint forcing kneecap to push out of alignment.

·         Meniscal tear

Meniscal cartilage covers the bone ends forming a joint to ensure smooth gliding and absorb shock. It can tear when your knee is unusually twisted or pivoted.

·         Torn ligament

ACL injuries are most common which occur when the knee joint is twisted or stretched beyond its limit. A sudden change in direction or landing on a hard surface after a jump may tear the knee ligaments.

  • Tendon tear

Tendons are very strong and elastic bands of tissues. Tendon tear issue is found mostly among middle-aged people playing sports comprising running and jumping.

Shoulder injuries

People playing basketball, baseball, softball etc. are more susceptible to shoulder injuries.

·         Impingement

This sort of sports injury occurs when pressure is placed on the soft tissues by a shoulder blade while lifting an arm. It gives way to bursitis and tendinitis inducing unbearable pain. The risk of getting shoulder impingement is more in swimming sports.

·         Rotator cuff injury

A rotator cuff is a group of muscles that provide stability to the shoulder joint. Such an injury occurs when inflammation occurs in the bursae closer to the shoulder joint. An injury or overuse of the shoulder joint like in painting, tennis or swimming can cause this issue.

·         Instability

Instability in the shoulder occurs when soft tissues providing stability to the shoulder are torn or overstretched, joint become loose causing repeated dislocations.

Ankle injuries

Players of basketball, football, soccer etc. are more vulnerable to ankle injuries as it involves hard contact with the foot.

·         Achilles tendonitis

This condition occurs when tendons attaching the calf muscle and the back of the heel are damaged, stretched beyond the limit, or irritated. This tendon is used while walking, climbing, running, jumping, or standing on toes. The back of the heel becomes stiff and painful specifically in the morning. Severe tears need surgical treatment by an orthopedic surgeon.

·         Ankle sprains

An inappropriate twisting, rolling, or turning of the ankle can bring about ankle sprains causing tears to ligaments. Sports with much pivoting like basketball and volleyball put you at risk of getting ankle sprains.

Elbow injuries

·         Golfer’s elbow

Repeated use of the wrist like in golf can inflame tendons and cause pain in the inner side of the elbow which may spread to the wrist.

·         Tennis elbow

Racket sports such as tennis or the occupations like that of painter, carpenter, or plumber which involve repetitive use of the forearm bring about this condition. Pain on the outside portion of the elbow is induced followed by swelling.

·         Ulnar collateral ligament injury

Sports involving repeated throwing can damage ulnar collateral ligaments located in the inner side of the elbow. It induces pain and reduces the ability to throw.

·         Little league elbow

It’s a growth plate injury that occurs due to repetitive throwing action.

Leg injuries

Contact sports such as football in which legs are used majorly increase the risk of leg injuries.

·         Hamstring strain

A sudden stop, running, or jumping could strain hamstring muscles at the back of the thigh. Football, soccer, and basketball players are more likely to get such muscle strain.

·         Groin pull

Rapid side-to-side movement of the leg can strain inner thigh muscles. Sports such as football, basketball, soccer, and hockey increase the risk of a Groin pull.

·         Shin splints

Shin splints occur when muscles, bone tissues, or tendons along the inner side of the shinbone are inflamed and become painful.

What are the common symptoms of sports injuries?

Sports injuries bring about the following symptoms:

  • Severe pain
  • Swelling around the affected area
  • Bruising over the injured part
  • Unable to put weight over affected joint
  • Lost range of motion
  • Weakness in the limb
  • Joint deformity in case of dislocation
  • Often pain dwells when the joint is at rest.

Treatment by the best orthopedic doctor in Lahore

When you visit the best orthopedic doctor in Lahore, he began by diagnosing the issue with great precision and laying out a treatment plan as required. Diagnostic tests include physical examination in which an orthopedic doctor observes visible signs and checks the range of motion. He also asks a few questions for his understanding to evaluate the patient’s health history. For internal analysis, imaging tests such as x-ray, MRIs, or CT-scan are prescribed. Further elaboration is made through laboratory tests if needed or infection is suspected.

Treatment is started right away after a successful diagnosis. This may include:

  • Immobilization to limit the motion of the injured part is the foremost and best treatment to prevent deterioration. It drastically reduces swelling, pain, and muscle spasms activating the healing process. Your orthopedic doctor knows how loner to keep the immobilization device. Device options an orthopedic surgeon may use include a sling, splints, braces, or plaster casts.
  • Oral and topical medicines are prescribed to manage pain, inflammation, and swelling.
  • Minor sports injuries heal on their own through RICE (rest, ice, compression, and elevation) therapy as guided by an orthopedic doctor Lahore.

Source: https://www.emedihealth.com/pain-management/rice-treatment-benefits-risks

  1. Rest is to abstain from activities that stress out the injured part. It is advised to not put weight on an injured area for at least a couple of days.
  2. Ice is asked to apply to an injury for 20 minutes. It helps reduce inflammation and pain.
  3. Compression of the injured area helps lessen swelling. Wrap an elastic bandage around to compress the swelled area but don’t make it too tight as it may inhibit blood circulation which may arise other issues.
  4. Elevation of the injured knee, elbow, foot, or wrist above heart level can help reduce swelling. You can use pillows to elevate the affected limb.
  • Sports physiotherapy is conducted by a physiotherapist who designs exercises working specifically on the affected part. This rehabilitation program is also applicable after surgery or recovery from severe injuries. Physical therapy strengthens muscles and recaptures lost motion. It is an essential part of recovery to return to activity that previously cause an injury without any fear. A physiotherapist guides the patient and makes them practice exercises at home with ease. Physical therapy may also include hot and cold compresses, massage, ultrasound, or aquatic therapies.
  • An orthopedic surgeon in Lahore tries all non-surgical methods to cure injury before recommending surgery. It is kept as a last option when pain is incurable and unbearable. Surgery is conceived in a few cases to repair torn ligaments and fractures. Common procedures applied are:
  1. Joint replacement surgery
  2. Reconstruction of ACL tears
  • Rotator cuff repair
  1. Elbow arthroscopy to treat Golfer’s and tennis elbow conditions
  2. Labral repair to fix shoulder instability
  3. Tendon repair
  • Cartilage restoration
  • Relocating displaced bone
  1. Fracture repair

What preventions to take for avoiding sports injuries?

You can prevent sports injuries in numerous ways such as:

  • Avoid sports that comprise collisions
  • Try different sports throughout the year this will help avoid repetitive motion.
  • Practice a combination of various exercises for example muscle strengthening, weight-bearing, cardiovascular, or flexibility-improving exercises.
  • Eat a healthy diet and drink sufficient water to prevent dehydration which could be damaging to soft tissues.
  • Conceive exercises with appropriate technique. Workout under the supervision f your fitness trainer.
  • Do not stress out your body with excessive workouts and stop right away when you feel unusual stress over any of the joints.
  • Gradually increase the intensity of exercise. Always warm up your body before heading towards a major workout or sports.
  • Wear comfortable and properly fitted shoes. Use safety gadgets like knee or elbow pads to save the joint from injury.

Be quick to consult an orthopedic doctor

Bearing pain is not a wise act, it gradually progresses towards severe damages that might be impossible to revert without surgery. Irrespective of the fact that whether it is an acute or chronic sports injury, consult the best orthopedic doctor in Lahore like Dr MA Wajid. Such specialists aim to tackle sports injuries in the best possible way triggering the recovery process and preventing injuries in future.

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