First A.O. Basic Skills Workshop in Pakistan on Principles of Operative Fracture Management

July 26, 2022by wahaj1039
The first A.O. basic skills course in Pakistan is being held at Aga Khan University Hospital (AKUH) from October 11-12, 2003. In the past, these courses were only conducted in US and Europe to train young orthopaedic surgeons in the practical aspects of fracture management; this is the first time such a course is being held in Pakistan. The course coordinator, Dr. M. A. Wajid, Consultant Orthpaedic Surgeon, AKUH, said that, “Such courses form an integral part of training of surgeons and this will bring our postgraduate orthopaedic training in-line with international training programmes in the developed world.” This course is done on artificial bones under the supervision of experienced national and international trauma surgeons”. One of the keynote speakers, Dr. Mirza Rahman Beg, Head of Orthopaedics, AKUH, feels that such courses are mandatory requirement for training of junior surgeons.
This course will concentrate primarily on improving the understanding of common fractures. Topics will be taught in three main methods. Comprehensive lectures will concentrate on the understanding of the core material, emphasising the scientific rationale for the advocated treatment. Practical sessions will teach the application of A.O. principles and, video demonstrations will supplement one to one teaching on artificial bones.
Dr. Imtiaz Hashmi, Head, Department of Orthopaedics, Ziauddin University, feels that, “As trauma is the leading cause of disability, by properly training young surgeons, we can reduce trauma-related disability in our population. Such courses are absolutely imp​ortant to achieve these goals”. Course faculty is drawn from A.O. trained national and international surgeons, experienced in management of trauma. The trainee-to-trainer ratio will be one to two. The course is officially recognised by A.O. International and certificates will be issued by A.O. International, Switzerland.
Dr. Zaki Idrees, Head, Department of Orthopaedics, Liaquat National Hospital, said that, “Hands on courses are difficult to organise but are absolutely necessary to teach operative skills”.
Mansoor Jokhio, national representative of Mathys Medical Ltd, Switzerland, and the corporate organiser of the event added, “It is a step in the right direction and has been the need of the local orthopaedic community, as it is not within the means of every trainee to go abroad for such workshops due to prohibitive cost involved”.